Message from the Chair
On behalf of the Panel members, I would like to acknowledge the hard work and positive attitude of everyone who has been part of these hearings. This is what has made it possible for this major planning process to be completed successfully and within such challenging timeframes.
We handed our recommendations on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan to Auckland Council on 22 July 2016 and our office is now closed.
The IHP website will continue to be accessible, including all hearing documents and evidence.
Judge David Kirkpatrick
Chair, Independent Hearings Panel
Next steps following conclusion of the hearings
- On 22 July, the Panel will provide Auckland Council with its recommendations on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan.
- The Council will consider the Panel's recommendations and make decisions on whether to accept, accept in part or reject recommendations.
- On 27 July, late afternoon, the Panel's recommendations and the Council's decisions will be on the Auckland Council website. This will include an Overview of recommendations document explaining the panel's recommended changes to the proposed Unitary Plan and a recommended version of the plan. The Panel's recommendations will not be published on the AUPIHP website.
- In August, the Council will consider the Panel's recommendations. You will be able to see the agenda and minutes of these meetings on the council website.
- By 19 August, the Council is required to notify its decisions to the public and the submitters.
- After public notification, the appeal period starts.
For specific appeal and judicial review rights, see sections 155-159 of the Local Government (Auckland Transitional Provisions) Act 2010. You may wish to seek your own legal advice on this.
How to take part in the hearings
Welcome to the Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel
Use the Find my hearing tool to find out which hearings you will be invited to.
Play the video and read the Guide to the hearing process to find out what the steps are in the hearing process and what you need to do.
Click on any step in the pathway below to learn more about our hearings process.

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